Curiosity At The Workplace

Curiosity Can Help Bring Success In The Office

Thank you for joining me as we highlight the top corporate VALUES as part of our BRINGING VALUES TO LIFE series.

Today we are focused on CURIOSITY!

Two facts to get us started!

Enhancing our mood makes information pleasurable and the brain flexible.

Engaging our senses improves the learning experience and learning quality.

Here is a Curiosity Game EXAMPLE:

Try an old-fashioned game of “whisper down the lane” to make learning fun and memorable. A client wanted to get their employees familiar with their mission statement and values but failed through traditional messaging. We helped develop “Headline News” where teams selected beat reporter, newsroom editor, camera person, and anchor roles. Each team had a value or mission statement to “report” at the end. The result was hilarious and very memorable!

Here is your  Curiosity CHALLENGE:

If you have a corporate mission statement or consistent message to convey try a word scramble game or trivia to convey the message. Make it a contest and keep it simple and short.

If you need help bringing values to life, reach out to us directly at or visit for more info. Cheers to more fun ahead and I’ll see you next time.

Curiosity is the fuel for discovery, inquiry, and learning.
– Anonymous