Persistence At Work

Hello and greetings from the Godfather of Fun at the fun dept. Thank you for joining me as we highlight the top corporate values as part of our BRINGING VALUES TO LIFE series.



One of the best predictors of success across all areas of life is the ability to delay gratification. We have all heard the phrase —“practice makes perfect”— too many times, I am sure! Most businesses would never get off the ground if not for grit and persistence. According to HBR: A willingness to accept sacrifices in the moment– to work, practice, or otherwise persevere in the face of difficulties– is what drives productivity, innovation, and, thereby, prosperity. As it turns out, pride and recognition are the greatest motivators of persistence. Many leaders and managers overlook the value of these traits and focus instead on the negative consequences of not meeting goals.

Today we are talking about Persistence… Let me give you an example.

Here is a Persistence EXAMPLE:

Southwest Airlines, Wawa, and WL Gore come to mind. These companies have persevered and prospered over the years. Ironically, all have fun as one of their core values and go out of their way to recognize associates who take pride in their work. Each of these companies has stuck to its principles and has been able to endure where others have not. Many companies cut FUN activities during tough times. These companies… doubled down.

Ok… now here is your challenge…

Here is your Persistence CHALLENGE:

Start small and commit to a fun activity once per month in a department or group within your organization for the next year. Like everything else we do, it will improve and get easier over time. Practice makes perfect right??? Refer back to the Laws of Fun video earlier in the series, or contact the fun dept. If you need assistance, reach out to us directly at Persevere and have FUN along the way!

If you need help bringing values to life, visit our website at for more info. Cheers to more fun ahead, and I’ll see you next time!