Community Service Is A Corporate Resposibility
Hello and greetings from the Godfather of Fun at the fun dept. Thank you for joining me as we highlight the top corporate values as part of our BRINGING VALUES TO LIFE series.
TODAYS VALUE: Serve Others (Community Outreach)
Making an effort to serve the community also creates happier employees and more loyal customers. Forbes magazine estimated that 82 percent of U.S. consumers say that corporate social responsibility factors into their decision-making process when buying a good or service. Many companies want to be good stewards of the community but struggle with participation. Try FUN!
Here is a Community Service EXAMPLE:
WL Gore‘s example “build a bike” campaign. We coordinated with a local bike shop and the Boys and Girls Club to host a bike build complete with team competition, races, and a donation ceremony at the end. Another example, Cash Connect’s United Way, “Pie in the Eye” campaign to drive participation and donations. Participation and donations increased by over 40% by including fun.
Here is your Community Service CHALLENGE:
Ask your people what charity they value if you are not already participating in United Way. Consensus is a very strong motivator so take a vote.
If you need help bringing values to life, reach out to us directly at or visit for more info. Cheers to more fun ahead and I’ll see you next time.
Successful people are always looking for opportunities to help others. Unsuccessful people are always asking, ‘What’s in it for me?‘
– Brian Tracy